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Candid Comfort

Bed type: Real Bed 
Property type: Apartment
Accommodates: 2
Bedrooms: 1 / Bed: 160cm - Queen Size 
Bathrooms: 1.5 
Check In: 3:00 PM Check Out: 11:00 AM 
Minimum Stay: One week 

Full kitchen
Central heating
Cable TV
Smoke Detector/Carbon Monoxide Detector
First Aid Kit
Fire Extinguisher
Parking: Street 4.00 euro - ph daily 09:00-00:00 

Nightly: €150 for up to 2 guests
Weekly: €900
Monthly: €2300 
Cleaning Fee: €45 

Such a lovely, comfortable place. Perfect for longer term stays. Located on the third floor (accessible by stairs), the space is on one level and divided into a living / dining room with an adjacent kitchen and north facing windows, a separate bedroom facing south, boasting a lot of morning light, a walk in closet and a bright toilet with shower and sink. You can enjoy the many amazing terraces in the cafes & restaurants of the Jordaan minutes walk from the apartment. Full Description and Spec Sheets downloadable below.
