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schippersgracht 7 photos10.jpg

Central 1 bdrm canal side ground level

Story: ground level
Floors: 1
Size: 65
View: streetview, canal

Bedrooms: 1
Bed type: 160 cm x 200cm
Bathrooms: 1 bathroom with a walk in shower and sink

Outdoor space: only front of the house where you can sit and enjoy a sunrise

5-gz Wi-Fi
Fully equipped kitchen

Central heating

Washing machine onlhy



Avaialble for a temporary rent while the digital nomad owner enjoys time with her family in India and Canada

Located in the historic center on the canal

The house accommodates a single person or a couple.

Turnkey Towels and bedding are provided.

Metro Station: Amsterdam Central 20 min walk

Taxi to airport: 25 min

Closest park: Artis (paid) or Oosterpark

Registration: On request

Pets: on request