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Property type: Two level Deluxe Penthouse
Size: 65 m2
View: Street view (Nes)
Bed type: 160 cm (queen)
Accommodates: 2 persons
Bathrooms: 1 open concept bathroom including shower, sink & a copper bath tub on the second floor. The toilet is located on the 1st floor 

Two hob electric stove and microwave
Central Heating
Smoke Detector/Carbon Monoxide Detector/Fire Extinguisher
Four season feather-duvet

Nightly: from €250 euro for up to 2 guests Extra people: n/a
Minimum stay: 1 night (a one night supplement of 80 euro applies)
Weekly: n/a
Monthly: n/a


This wonderful space is brand new and decorated with massive attention to detail and design aesthetic by the owner of an industrial furnishing purveyor called Harvest & Company (

Set on the fourth floor of a cool Art Deco building in Spaarndammerbuurt near the Houthavens and gorgeous Westerpark & the corner from the cultural centre called Westergasfabriek which contains great cafes, restaurants, clubs and hosts some of Amsterdam’s amazing festivals. Some great “Hipster“ places have been appearing in the neighbourhood which are fun to discover. 15 minutes walk away lies the Jordaan which is one of the most vibrant historic neighbourhoods which you will have to visit. Also incredibly close by is Prinseneiland – a small island of pristine beauty and charm for a perfect serene walk. Full Description and Spec Sheets downloadable below.
